Monday, August 17, 2009


Everybody theres gonna be a concert on the 21rst n 22nd ill be there the singer is Kate Earl

Rock on Cazmo peace!

Planet Cazmo Lloyd Quest (NEW)

To Start the quest, you must go to the down town area, and then to the mall.
Next You Have to Talk to Mama Caz, and ask her to see the zibs
Then Once you are inside, talk to the Zib with the donuts to start the quest
After You talk to the zibs, you have to find an eaten apple,a 3 set of balloons,a soda,a banana ,and a laptop
The Cup is at the Beach in the bottom left hand corner of the beach map.
The Computer is at the Space Port
The Balloons are at the Cazmo Club
The Banana is at the outside part of the Body Shop
The Apple is at the Town Square ( Near the Info Booth)
Once You Find All The Items, go back to the Zibs head quarters. (Mama Caz’s Mall)

When you are done talking with the Zibs and Lloyd, you have to find three more items.
The First Spying Device is at the Garage
( It is located outside the garage and passed the bridge)
The Second Spying Device is located at the Playground
The Final Spying Device is Located at The Statue Island ( The Right Corner of the beach map)
When You Find the 3 spying devices, head back to the zibs headquarters
Talk to The Zibs and You will recieve the Spy Jacket and 200 coins

Mayors Mystery Quest

To start the quest, Talk to the owl at Post office.
When you finish a quest, you can go to another place,and then go back to the post offcie and talk to the owl again for the next level.
When You are done with a quest,Go back to the owl outside of the post office, to recieve you prize.
Level 1 :
Cyclops Skull: Lake Cazmo
Chalice of eyes: Body shop (outside)
Captive Snake: Space Port ( At corner)
Snaileien: Town Square
Optonomicon: Playground (where spinning CD is)
Map of wonder: Garage (Inside)
Level Two:
Snailen cazmo mall: Tree next to the clothing shop.
Cyclops skull: theater
Map of wonder:Skateshop
Captive snake: Inside club cazmo
Chalice of eyes: Lake cazmo
Optonomicon: Bodyshop
Level 3 ( With a few pics, because they are hard to find)
Cyclops Skull: Behind Clothing shop

Chalice of Eyes: Behind bodyshop (you have to move your cazmo few times.)
Captive Snake: Cazmo Club, under the money tree.
Map of wonder: Neighborhood, hidden in bushes (Check all the bushes)
Optonomicon: Bodyshop, hiding behind the BIG Eyeball Tree.
Snailen: Playground, behind PARK sign.
After you go throught the 3 levels of quests, go back to the owl to receive the cazmo wizard outfit.

Hello Planet Cazmo Playas

Hello this is my new Planet Cazmo Cheat Site,Be sure to visit it daily,all you cazmos playas rock, heres a pick of how i look